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...weitere Bilder + Info: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 31.05/01.06.2022
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2022-05-31./2022-06-01.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
Mehr Informationen und zurück zu Noctilucent Clouds
Location: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
More information and back to Noctilucent Clouds

Cameras used f (focal length)
Filter Filter (2)
Sony Alpha 7S 50 mm Dydim

Sony Alpha 7S 85 mm Dydim

NNE-sector - faint NLC waves around AZI 015 and height ~ 4° - 5°:

First part:

original view

Time lapse made of some post processed cuttings:

on 3sky.de

Second part:

original view

Time lapse made of some post processed cuttings:
on 3sky.de

Time (UT)
NLC Forms
Max. Elevation (°)

23:34 - 00:07

4 - 5
around AZI 015°


AZI: around at least 015 between clouds
short diagonal waves almost constant with slow movement to W

* automatic camera observations:
345° - 025°
010° - 030°

Photographs and text are copyright ©2022 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" https://3sky.de