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...weitere Bilder + Info: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 26.07./27.07.2018
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2018-07-26./27.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
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Location: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
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Canon EOS 1100Da (f = 35 mm) (OWB-Clip-Filter) + Sony Alpha 7S (f = 50 mm), each with Didymfilter + Canon EOS 600D (f = 200 mm) + Sony Alpha 7S (f = 300 mm)

21:12 UT, 4 x 4 - 5.6/200 mm, t 4", ISO 800, (AZI ~ 350° - 005°)
[large version: 6000 x 1274 pixel, 1,6 MB]

21:38 UT, 4 - 5.6/200 mm, t 5", ISO 1600, (AZI around 360°)

no more NLC visible + upcoming cloudlike smoke drifting from E / SE from a fire east of Rostock
...and a meteor at top

faint NLC again very low in middle part fighting against "fireclouds"

Timelapse on vimeo.com (Sony Alpha 7S, f = 2/50 mm)
(1 frame every 20" seconds, runs with 15 fps now), width 1590 pixel):


(in the 2. part of the night  you will see low long lasting cloudlike smoke drifting from E / SE from a fire east of Rostock)


Time (UT) *
NLC Forms
Max. Elevation (°)
20:55 - 22:30
00:25 - 02:05
~ 6
~ 6


AZI (°)
evening: ~ 345° - 020°; to probable end of evening detection
cloudlike smoke from a fire east of Rostock was drifting from E / SE along the northern horizon up to approx. 5° in height; that brought bad visibility conditions for the morning part: then (at least): ~ 345° - 030° (then tree in field of view)

no NLC detected with automatic camera in NW-area ~300° 335° from 20:35 UT - 22:58 UT + 01:08 UT - 01:45 UT

Photographs and text are copyright ©2019 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" http://3sky.de