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...weitere Bilder + Info: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 05./06.07.2017
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2017-07-05./06.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
Mehr Informationen und zurück zu Noctilucent Clouds
Location: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
More information and back to Noctilucent Clouds

still very faint patches after start 10-15 minutes before on automatic camera capture in lower middle to right above contrails; Z CAM E1
see linked video below for movements

cutting from image above:

still very faint patches after start 10-15 minutes before on automatic camera capture in lower middle to right above contrails; Z CAM E1
see linked video below for movements

00:34 UT, 4,0/300 mm, t 1,6", ISO 1600, AZI ~015-020°, Sony Alpha 7S

00:36 UT, 4,0/300 mm, t 1,3", ISO 1600, AZI ~345-350°, Sony Alpha 7S

00:39 UT, 2,0/50 mm, t 5", ISO 400, AZI ~320° in middle (cutting), best faint view to NLC patches at middle right edge; Canon EOS 600D

00:46 UT, 3x 4,0/300 mm, t 1,6", ISO 1600, AZI ~015-020°, Sony Alpha 7S

00:54 UT, 2,0/50 mm, t 3,2", ISO 400, AZI ~320° in middle (cutting), Canon EOS 600D
same image, contrast enhancement:

00:54 UT, 2,0/50 mm, t 3,2", ISO 400, AZI ~320° in middle (cutting), contrast enhancement, Canon EOS 600D

01:05 UT, 4x 4,0/300 mm, t 0,3/0,4/0,5/0,8", ISO 1600, AZI ~045°, Sony Alpha 7S

same images, larger:


NLC in AZI ~350-015:
f = 2,0 / 35 mm
Timelapse (85 MB) on vimeo.com:
1856x1392 Pixel, 20 fps, f = 35 mm

NLC in AZI ~345-020:
f = 4,0 / 32 mm
Canon EOS 1100Da
Timelapse (89 MB) on vimeo.com:
1280x720 Pixel, 25 fps, f = 32 mm


Time (UT)
NLC Forms
Max. Elevation
(NW-sector from ~00:10-01:15)
6-7° (begin)
at least 12° (end)
(prob. 15° in AZI 010 seen faint in movie)
AZI ~ at least 315° - 045°
at begin a lot of Ci + Ac str tr with very good visibility including horizon, later much better with few clouds (most to S); NLC in very faint patches, just a higher + later band like structure became "~2"

Photographs and text are copyright ©2017 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" http://3sky.de