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...weitere Bilder + Info: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 02./03.07.2015
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2015-07-02./03.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
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Location: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
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Canon EOS 600D (f=50mm) + Canon EOS 1100Da (f=80mm) (OWB-Clip-Filter, Magic Lantern, FPS Override 0,25)

 22:13 UTC   t=4 sec.   800 ASA   4/50mm; AZI ~360°-010° (cutting)

 22:13 UTC   t=4 sec.   800 ASA   4/50mm; AZI ~005°-010° (cutting)

 22:18 UTC   t=4 sec.   800 ASA   4/50mm; AZI ~005°-010° (cutting)

(...very faint last signs on the camera chip near ~N-direction...)
22:38 UTC   t=5 sec.   800 ASA   4/50mm; AZI ~005° (cutting)

Maximum height of tree is 1,5° above horizon.

[Xvid-AVI  1152x288 Pixel  1fps  310KB]

Time (UT)
NLC Forms
Max. Elevation
(at least)
AZI  ~ 005°-015°.
Near full moon.
Automatic camera capture only (2 cameras). Not seen with the naked eye, not seen with binocular.
Definitely no dust trails, smoke etc.

Photographs and text are copyright ©2015 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" http://3sky.de