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...weitere Bilder + Info: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 23./24.07.2014
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2014-07-23./24.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
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Location: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
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Canon EOS 600D (EF 28-80mm) + 1100Da + OWB Clip Filter (f=500mm Pentax 75EDHF Apo)

 21:00 UTC   t=2,5 sec.   800 ASA   4/37mm; AZI ~N/NNE (cutting)

 21:09 UTC   t=3,2 sec.   800 ASA   4/37mm; AZI ~N/NNE (cutting)

21:09 UTC   t=2,5 sec.   1600 ASA  6,7/500mm (contrast enhancement)

21:17 UTC   t=1,6 sec.   3200 ASA  6,7/500mm (cutting)

 21:24 UTC   t=2 sec.   3200 ASA   6,7/500mm (cutting)

 21:29 UTC   t=2 sec.   3200 ASA   3x 6,7/500mm (cutting)
[Panorama 3117 x 859 Pixel  210 KB]

 00:38 UTC   t=8 sec.   800 ASA   3,5/28mm; AZI ~N/NNE (cutting)

The movie shows 5 photographs per second:
[Xvid-movie 21:00 UTC  for 265 minutes   900 x 600 Pixel  5fps_ 3 MB]
Short phase in the morning with low + faint NLC again, not visually observed.
Due to low contrast at the end the movie shows contrast enhancement over the whole length.

Time (UT)
NLC Forms
Max. Elevation
I, IIab, IV, P
AZI ~340°-025°, thin layers / bands of Cirrus in the Northern sky area; observation from 00:25 camera detection only

Photographs and text are copyright ©2014 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" http://3sky.de