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...weitere Bilder: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 18./19.06.2004
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2004-06-18./19.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock, ca. 54.1°N / 12.1°E
Mehr Informationen und zurück zu Noctilucent Clouds
Location: Rostock 54.1°N / 12.1°E
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Canon EOS 300D (DSLR) 200ASA

21:52UTC  2.8/50mm  t=4"  NNE, Höhe ca. 10°-12°

23:12UTC  4.5/200mm  t=8"  N, Höhe ca. 5°-6°
Animation 80KB  23:12:17 / 23:14:00 / 23:15:34UTC

23:19UTC  4.5/200mm  t=8"  Azimut 035°
Animation 63KB  23:19:24 / 23:22:22 / 23:24:52UTC

23:33UTC  2.8/29mm  t=10"   linker Rand=N, heller Stern=Capella
Animation 220KB  23:29:38 / 23:32:45 / 23:35:08 / 23:38:02 / 23:41:05 / 23:43:54 / 23:46:48UTC

23:49UTC  2.8/50mm  t=6"   NNE

Photographs and text are copyright ©2004 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" http://3sky.de