Luftspiegelung / Fata Morgana / Mirage






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>>> English text

>>> Another story + images

Die Aufnahmen entstanden morgens / vormittags am 09. Januar 2001 an Islands Südküste. Schon der vorherige Tag in Reykjavik zeigte sich von seiner besten Seite mit einer leichten Schneedecke, kaum Wind, hervorragenden Sichtweiten (+100km) und leichtem Frost. Der Morgen des 09. Januar begann aber mit starkem Frost. Beim ersten Stop auf der Südküstentour in Eyrarbakki sollen es laut Mitreisenden noch unter -10°C gewesen sein (meine Ohren konnten das bestätigen, bis die Mütze herausgekramt war...). Die Klarheit der Luft war immer noch beeindruckend.

Zu den ersten drei Bildern:
Noch vor Sonnenaufgang näherten wir uns Eyrarbakki an Islands Südküste von Reykjavik aus kommend. Wenn während der Fahrt der Blick in Richtung des Meeres möglich war, fiel eine Inselgruppe auf. Das sollten die Westmännerinseln sein. Klein am Horizont, aber kontrastreich in der klaren Dämmerung gut erkennbar. Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, habe ich aber ein bis drei Handbreit rechts von den Inseln auch noch etwas Merkwürdiges gesehen. Durch mehrere Kurvenfahrten verlor man den Anblick ab und an aus den Augen. In Eyrarbakki angekommen wurde der Blick zum Meer gesucht. Ein paar Treppen steigen und da war das "Gebilde" wieder. So wie ich vorher die vermeintlichen Westmännerinseln sah, sah das aber nicht aus. Die suchte ich links davon - aber vergebens, denn der Blick zum Meer war nach einigen Grad abgeschnitten. Das leichte Telezoom (f=105mm) war nur eine kleine Hilfe, aber immerhin. Eine Fata Morgana kam mir da schon in den Sinn.

Sind das nun die Westmännerinseln oder nicht? Kann man sie von dem Standort überhaupt sehen? Aber eine Luftspiegelung kann ja nicht um die Ecke gehen... Und sonst findet sich in dieser Richtung auf dem Meer doch weit und breit nichts mehr... So hilft nur: Noch einmal vorbeifahren... - oder weiß es jemand besser?

Bild 4 und 5:
Noch desöfteren boten sich während der Fahrt "mysteriöse" Anblicke wie hier gezeigt. Viel zu erkennen war mit bloßem Auge nicht, da die "Objekte" nur eine kleine Winkelausdehnung aufwiesen. Hier am Seljalandsfoss zeigten sich vermeintliche "Hochhäuser" in weiter Ferne, wo aber eigentlich nichts war... Für diese Aufnahme hatte ich ein Tele mit f=200mm verwendet.

English text:

These photographs were taken in the morning of the ninth of January 2001, from the southern shores of Iceland. The previous day Reykjavik had the best weather conditions: i.e. ground covered with snow, minimal wind, with clear visibility (+100km) and little frost. However, on the morning of the ninth, heavy frost was experienced. At the first stop in Eyrarbakki, on the southern shore trip, it should have been below -10°C (my ears could confirm that, until I found my cap....). The clarity of the sky was still impressive.

Images 1 - 3:
We came from Reykjavik approaching Eyrarbakki, Iceland's southern most shore, arriving before sunrise. If it was possible to view the sea the whole time whilst travelling, a group of islands would have attracted attention. These islands were more than likely to be the Vestmannaeyjar Islands.
The Vestmannaeyjar Islands were visibly small on the horizon, but full of contrast with the clarity of the breaking dawn. If I remember correctly, it was about one to three hands to the right, there was another mysterious sight that I experienced. As we travelled through several curves I sometimes lost the view. On our arrival at Eyrarbakki, I climbed some steps to see the view. It now looked different, not really like Vestmannaeyjar Islands at all. I searched for the islands a little more to the left but in vain. A little further around the view of the sea was lost. The small telezoom (f=105mm) that I was using, was of little help, but better than nothing! Yes - I thought it could be a mirage - but in reality I didn't know, I was surprised.

Was I viewing Vestmannaeyjar Islands or not?? Is it possible to see them from that position? But a mirage cannot go around the corner (if I was right, then the V.-Islands would be more to the left).... One shouldn't see anything else in this direction. So to resolve this question I need to go there again…, or could anyone share their experience/expertise regarding this mystery?

---> Meanwhile I know more! If interested please read here.

Image 4 and 5:
There have been more mysterious sightings occurred on the same day. Recognition of the viewed objects was difficult due to the very small angle above the horizon. Here, backwards to Seljalandsfoss, you can see numerous "skyscrapers" in the distance, where really was nothing like that... I used a lens with f=200mm for this photo.


More about mirages / Mehr über Luftspiegelungen:

http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/mirage.html .  Written for Virtual Finland by Pekka PARVIAINEN

http://www.polarimage.fi/ . Much more images by Pekka PARVIAINEN

http://www.meteoros.de/mirage/mirage.htm  Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V.

http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/mirages/mirintro.html Dr. Andrew T. YOUNG

Atmospheric Optics Glossary Dr. Andrew T. YOUNG

Here is another story with quite interesting photographs:

The following story was provided by Wim van BOCHOVEN. Please note that story and images are > © < Wim van BOCHOVEN / The Netherlands. He was sailing the "Hurtigruten" in May 2002... ....and then: about 68° North on May 22 it happened!
UTC+1h = 23:29:12
UTC+1h = 23:29:25
UTC+1h = 23:29:54
UTC+1h = 23:30:13
Please click here for enlargements and more information [ca. 180 KB]

His story:

"We sailed the famous Hurtigruten ('the worlds most beautiful voyage') from Bergen to Kirkenes and back in 12 days...

On this particular and beautiful day we left Stamsund (Lofoten) heading for Bodø on the mainland of Norway. I took, standing on the back of the boat (10 to 15m above sealevel), some pictures of the sun, which was sinking behind the mountains.  The weather was clear, almost no wind. It has been a very nice and warm day.
And then... suddenly it was there: this 'band of humidity' I thought. Quite high from sealevel on, compared to the mountains. And in this band things happened: 'shades' were growing and mirroring...

There were no objects mirrored as far as I could see, only 'clouds' were growing in this band and mirrored...  I took some pictures of this phenomena, but as you can see we were leaving the islands, and it became a little more twilight. But, please, keep in mind that the days are very long at that place... And... it's not all 'mirroring' what you see!!!"

Photographs and text are copyright © 2002-2008 Olaf SQUARRA if not mentioned otherwise

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