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...weitere Bilder + Info: Leuchtende Nachtwolken 03./04.07.2016
...further images: Noctilucent Clouds 2016-07-03./04.

Beobachtungsort: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
Mehr Informationen und zurück zu Noctilucent Clouds
Location: Rostock ~54.2°N / 12.1°E
More information and back to Noctilucent Clouds

Canon EOS 1100Da (f=60 mm) (OWB-Clip-Filter, Magic Lantern, FPS Override 0,25)
Canon EOS 600D (f=35 mm)
Sony Alpha 7S (f=300 mm, 3 ~realtime movies)

00:37 UTC, t 0,4", 2/35 mm, ISO 1600, AZI ~340-010

01:01 UTC, t 1/4", 2/35 mm, ISO 800, AZI ~340-010

cutting from image above (AZI ~350), a little bit resized:


Movies on vimeo.com:

f = 4,9 / 60 mm
(69 MB)
1280x720 Pixel, 20 fps, f = 60 mm, intervall 4"

f = 2,0 / 35 mm
(62 MB)
1920x1280 Pixel, 5 fps, f = 35 mm, intervall: start: 60" later: 20"


Time (UT)
NLC Forms
Max. Elevation
18° - 20°
AZI at least ~ 305°- 030° at start, later (morning) at least 305° up to 010°-015°; visibility in cloud gaps and later really good;
automatic camera start: 21:13
*first detection during automatic camera mode at 22:25
NLC bands in  AZI 350 still good visible at end of observation

Photographs and text are copyright ©2017 Olaf SQUARRA

"Atmosphärisches" http://3sky.de